Our team of specialised physiotherapists and allied health practitioners at PROmotion are equipped with years of experience treating and rehabilitating patients. Meet our amazing team!
Movement is our Medicine
At PROmotion, we deliver quality client-focused, allied health services in a personal and professional manner. With an experienced outgoing team, we provide best-practice management, in diagnosis and treatment, utilising techniques that are functional and efficient for your problems.
Our team consists of a variety of specialists in various areas of physiotherapy, exercise physiology, remedial massage, podiatry and dietetics, allowing us to provide comprehensive care for our patients.
Specialist Services
We are fully equipped with the latest equipment and supplies in the industry to ensure we provide the best possible care to all our clients.
Physio Rehab & Rehab Gym
PROmotion Health's rehabilitation facilities offer our clients the best environment for optimal recovery.

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Contact us
Graeme Teasdale
9 Leura Ave, Claremont WA 6010
Tel: 08 9284 4405

Opening Hours
Saturday 8am-12pm